Friday, September 09, 2016

Here We Go, Again

Guess what?!

Youth Group is starting up again, and I've been asked to help out again. I truly do enjoy teaching the kids every week some random tidbit of the Catholic faith. So if you see me rubbing my hand maniacally in the background with a insane cackle, just move along.

This year a few things are different. Instead of the High School and Middle School being separate they are going to meet together for food and talk then break down into groups for small group discussions. Also the kids are going to be in 'houses' a la 'Harry Potter' style, named after different Saints, such as St Maria Goretti, St Faustina Kowalska, St Maximilian Kolbe, and St Thomas Aquinas. Each house has a head, and I'm going to be head of the Aquinas House. It will be interesting to see how the kids adapt to the changes.

However it goes, it will be a lot of fun.

Image result for st john bosco
St John Bosco, Patron of Youth Ministries, Ora pro nobis

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