Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Down into the Depths of Research, A LS 502 Post

Breath in, breath out.

I survived summer classes, but I now start the class that ellicits cringes from all that I have told I'm talking - Research Methods. All those cringes did not help my confidence in regards to this class. But I like to learn new things and explore the unknown.

As part of the class we must do journalling to aid in our research, so now will begin the random entries of research ideas, posts, and articles that peak my interest in areas I would like to research.

Today I was transferred to the Genealogical and Historical Room of my library's system; it houses a lot of local history objects and a wide variety of genealogical research (so if you're interested in joining groups like Daughters of the American Revolution or Sons of the Confederacy, drop in for a visit and find that family member). I am very interested in archives and the role they play in the community in terms of identity. I also love the role of the storyteller in society, how they weave tells of heroes, journeys, and life into ways that touch us personally. There have been many times I have found myself listening to the tales of others; things that their grandparents did in World War II, what happen when they were caught in a flood ending up rowing up the Ocmulgee River, or the story of how they met the love of their life.

There are stories that cannot just be written down and read; some stories have to be told and listen to. But how to we collect and preserve the oral stories of our community? What are the methods available? How to we brace for the changes in technology so things are lost in conversions?

Breath in, breath out.

Here I go.

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