Thursday, February 11, 2016

IT Fluency Thus Far

<a href= target=_blank >Catholic Geeks</a>

Gasp! Wait! What did I just type? What is this strange string of letters and symbols? What does it all mean?

Let us all take a moment to take a deep breath - all together now, breathe in and breathe out.

So what you see typed up above is HTML tagging for creating a link to an external website opening it in a new window. What amazes me is that I actually understand what I just said. When my Information Technology class started I knew zero about HTML tagging so color me impressed with myself. Now at this point in the class I understand the basic tags for formatting titles, font styles and size, lists, and even putting in links to other website.

Call me Toto because I have dared to look at the man behind the curtain as the big flaming head of website design is telling me to pay no heed. I will fully admit that I am a little proud of myself for being able to construct a simple website (which is still under development at the time of writing).

As GK Chesterton once stated "There are no rules of architecture for a castle in the clouds." Armed these new lessons I'm excited to see where everything goes next.

To end this post I leave you with a picture of me with my spirit animal, Perry the Platypus.

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Information Technology Visual Aid

In one of my classes we had to draw out how we visualize information technology. Below is how I see it; basically it's different topics all interconnected and information technology helps us see all those connections through an access point. Everything is connected.
Very quickly drawn in a coffeeshop