Saturday, November 26, 2016

Almost There, a LS 502 Post

Almost there!!!

So close to the end and so close to finishing my conference proposal. I have learned a lot this semester in regards to the technical process of research. I had not realized the extend of preparation needed before it even starts. Literature Reviews were completely new to me and the process of explaining exactly how you intend to go about collecting your data was presented to me in a completely new angle. I just have to review over what I have, edit it, turn it in, discuss about it in class and then I'll be completely done!

Yay Learning!!!

With all the work I've put into this research idea I may keep it for a future directed study. I've learned a lot about digital archives and the process of digital preservation.

I feel like singing, but since I'm not that good at it, I'll let the professionals sing!!!


Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Deja Vu, a LS 502 post

In writing my conference proposal I feel like I'm repeating myself. Which is entirely true since I'm doing mini-versions of my literature review, problem statement, and methodology in under 2,000 words. I feel like there is so much to say, but not enough words to express it clearly. I hope nothing comes across too choppy or muddled.

So much to juggle with the upcoming holiday and this final paper. Welcome to Real Life.

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Whittling, a LS 502 Post

My dad is always telling me to stop writing my papers like a novel. I just hate it when very interesting things sound dry, boring, and dull. My challenge now is to whittle away at everything to fit into the 2,000 word maximum for my conference proposal.

With that 2,000 word ceiling I will be going into this with this question in mind: What is the highlight and what is explanation? I think that this is the best course of action for this assignment.

Now excuse me while I find a machete to hack and slash at my papers.

Random Article I found: Secrets behind London’s mysterious deadly fog revealed

Secrets behind London’s mysterious deadly fog revealed – Can it help save China?: No one gave the fog much thought at first. Fog is a regular occurrence in London, after all. It wasn’t until the late afternoon, when the air took on a yellow color and began to smell like fire....

Friday, November 11, 2016

A Step Back, a LS 502 post

What a week! In more ways than one.

I think at this point of my research instead of charging ahead full force (which I've been doing all semester), I am going to take a step back and review everything I have done thus far. I want to make sure that my original intention is still the same since I'm going at it at a broader perspective.

I am going to spend about a day or two looking over what I have before looking at conference proposals. Also, remind myself to take deep calming breaths and not get freaked out by the research.

Wednesday, November 09, 2016

Election Reflection


Just wow, America.

I'm not talking about the results of this year's presidential election. I'm talking about people's reactions. And I am disappointed in many of my countrymen. Going through social media I have never seen so much hate-filled reactions as I have this morning. So many cruses, and demands to be disassociated with people who voted differently than them, and thinly veiled derogatory remarks made me very angry. Where is the 'tolerance' and 'love' that so many people claim to have (especially when things go their own way)? And don't start with the argument that 'it's all going to go away'; that's a cheap cop out.

This year's choices left much to be desired. There was no good option, just the lest bad option, and no one was going to be happy with the result. What we do now will define us. So stop complaining! We take the result that's been given us work with it and make the best of the situation. We have the right to vote, and we should not be belittled for exercising that right.

So America - respect each other!

Monday, November 07, 2016

Done-ish, a LS 502 Post

I have reached that lovely point in which if I wrote anymore on my methodology paper I will start becoming overtly redundant. I am hoping that my sample section is not going to come back and kick me down, but I honestly could not think of any other way of doing it. So, after a final look over I have turned it in. I did get my grade for my literature review today, so I was able to make adjustments based on that before turning it in.

Now, I am going to try to find examples of conference proposals so I know how to set up my own and make it as professional as possible.

Look at me - I'm learning!
While I haven't quite tossed in the one ring into Mount Doom, I have at least crossed the Black Gate into Mordor. All that's left now is my conference proposal, then the end is in sight.

Saturday, November 05, 2016

Writing Woes, a LS 502 Post

This may or may not be me right now.
On this early Saturday morning I am preparing to write the bulk of my methodology. I have my notes, points I want to make, and a list of terms I am most likely going to use. I usually don't wait to write my papers this late, but I'm in a completely new territory with this paper. I'm not just starting it now, as evident of the pile of note sitting next to my computer (I feel like they're mocking me right now), but I am repeated double checking to make sure I am covering all my points and that I'm conveying what I want to say, so I feel like I've waited til the last possible minute. My biggest problem is that I know what I want to say but finding the proper technical term to describe it is hard. I had that same problem in geometry, I could describe to you the theorems and laws correctly, but ask me the names to those theorems and laws you will get a chorus of crickets chirps and me beating my head on a desk.

Wednesday, November 02, 2016

Continuing Onward, a LS 502 Post

The more I think about it, the more I believe that I should use a descriptive methodology with a purposive sampling (instead of convenience sampling as stated before). Since I'm focusing on wanting to interview people who have a specialized area of focus. Which brings me to my newest pain in the neck - the sample size. Because I am using a 'general populace' for my sample and just basing it on a characteristic, so to speak, I have no idea how to quantify that in any way. I'm thinking about thirty just have a large enough sample without it being too overwhelming, and to get enough perspectives.

One tiny little frustration is when I'm getting my grades back. I DO UNDERSTAND that things happen in life that throws everything sideways!!!!! (Professor - I really do hope you are feeling better!!) But on my end when the assignments build off of each other and I don't know if I've made a grievous error in the previous assignment, I'm building off of that mistake. At this point I'm just hoping that if there is an error that it's a minor one.

Here's hoping and praying!!!
I can do it!